Oczekiwane, które nie nadeszło.

Key points

  • Neither theory nor professional opinion is a reliable guide to safe, effective treatments
  • Just because a treatment is ‘established’ does not mean it does more good than harm
  • Even if patients do not suffer from inadequately tested treatments, using them can waste individual and community resources


Some treatments are in use for a long time before it is realized that they can do more harm than good. In this section we explain how this may come about.


  • Ichalmers

    The sentence: ‘Some treatments are in use for a long time before it is realized that they can do more harm than good. In this section we explain how this may come about’ needs to come before the examples.

    • Douglas Badenoch

      I have moved this, but elsewhere we put the section menu ahead of the text on the landing pages.

      We may rethink this, as it simply duplicates what is on the right-hand menu anyway. The reason for duplicating it here is to signpost to the user that they are on a “landing page” and need to select a topic.